It Is Here, Our First Garage Sell



It was a beautiful Saturday. Doors opened at 7 and the folks pouring soon after. Some even before that. Bargain, bargain and more bargain… Time to make a deal!

Time to make a deal

Yeah, I hear you!

Have you found what you were looking for?

Thank you!

Its mine, its mine! Those Sopranos…

Alright…. where were we again? Sister Helene?!

Are you checking out? I can help you here!

Let’s see what we can do for you…

All is well, just waiting. Says Louise!

Lovely, isn’t it?

Mary is just having fun…

Hello, I am Patricia…

Strike a pose! Those Altos…

Too many things but what to buy?

Hello David!

Who knows what she is doing!

Checking out sir? Thank you for coming!